Monday, June 30, 2008

Fabric Silhouette

I found this worn piece of wood at my mother's house, and I decided it would make a good sign. At first I was going to paint it and make it look rustic, but I decided to try a fabric silhouette treatment on it instead. I was pretty happy with the results,but I kept changing the paint color(little mistake). I think it would have looked better to the naked eye if I had stuck to one color. Oh well, I think I'll be the only one who really notices. I blogged about Anna Marie Horner Fabric Silhouette, and I followed those directions. The only thing I added was making my own stencil which I also recently blogged about. My next silhouette will be of an image of some sort for the monkey's rooms.

Supplies: wood board, fabric, scissors, heavy duty staple gun, freezer wrap paper, x-acto knife, foam brush, mod podge, acrylic paint, paint brush, painter tape, sawtooth hangers, leveler, and hammer.

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