Friday, August 22, 2008

Frozen Yogurt Pops

Gogurt anyone? Well not exactly, but I personally like this version better! I used my new cookbook Deceptively Delicious to make these frozen treats. I shop a lot at Sam's Club, and my gigantic package of strawberries was about to go bad. I decided to blend the remaining strawberries to make these refreshing treats. They were really easy, and quick to make. Here's how:
2 c. pureed strawberries
2 c. plain lowfat yogurt
3/4 c. confectioners sugar

Combine all ingredients into a blender, or food processor. Then pour into individual popsicle trays. That's it! Now whenever I have any lefted over fruit I puree them, and freeze. When the urge hits me, I simply thaw out any combination of pureed fruit, and make yogurt pops for the monkeys. Kaya has enjoyed helping me prepare these in the kitchen.

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